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A Message From Your Fleet Captain

Dear LYC Patrol Volunteers (Past, Present, and Future):

Thank you to all that responded to my last e-mail, even if you aren't able to help out. To those that responded and are able to help out, I will be holding a brief LYC patrol boat meeting this Sunday, June 28th, at 8:30 AM near the flag pole. Vice Commodore and Race Committee Chairman Brad Wright will be in attendance, and between the two of us, we will fill you in on critical information and any updates.

Presently, COVID-19 Phase 2 rules are in effect, which still mandates that only immediate family members and/or co-habitants can join you on a boat. Current LYC parameters do not allow guests on club property unless you are a B Member that pre-registers a single guest in advance. Therefore, the minimum patrol crew of two people per patrol boat may not be practicable. However, ideally, this is what we're looking for.

As of this moment, LYC's entire outboard fleet has been spring launched. Water kept Whaler Nos. 8 and 9 are in the marina. The remainder of the outboard fleet (Whalers and RIBcrafts, including Big Blue) are on their trailers ready for use. The two inboards, the Privateer (Roberta) and the Mako are scheduled for servicing and launching this week. Therefore, if someone wants to volunteer, but does not have a boat of their own, we can accommodate you.

Singlehanded craft (Sunfish, Optis, and Lasers) will be racing this Sunday, June 28th, and multihanded craft will begin racing on Sunday, July 12th.

Thanks for all that you do.


Dave Applegate, FC


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